Ever get lost in one of those reality shows about hoarders? Suddenly, you're looking at your own stuff like, "Why am I keeping this s***?" It's like a wake up call to reassess what's really important to hold onto, but in the midst of all that clutter, there are nuggets of wisdom, the kind that make you reflect on your journey. Take, for example, the antecedent of this blog: an essay I wrote back in eleventh grade. In that… youthful prose, I wrote passionately about embracing education, seeing it as a never ending adventure. I still can recall my teacher's comment, praising my aspiration to be a lifelong learner. Back then, I couldn't quite claim that title for myself, but her words made an impact none the less. Now, a year out of college, I find myself needing a reminder of that passion for knowledge. It's not like I've stopped learning, far from it, but somewhere along the way, I lost that spark, that thr...